Pablo Molina
Engineer. Human. Chachi.
I am a developer who loves his job, aims for continuous learning, and is not afraid of learning from his mistakes. I have developed code for native interfaces, mobile interfaces and server-side execution but, without the slightest doubt, Front-End development is my main motivation as professional.
I am a proficient Linux user, not only due to the comfort it gives to developers but also it's open and free nature. I like to support Open Source software: I consider it a great path for improvement, and a fantastic way to let others grow too.
Working as part of a team feels the ideal situation for me. Although I can evolve fast by my own, I prefer to work together with great people to learn from, so we can get new skills from each other.
I do like clean code, well-defined structure, and crystal clear documentation. I am meticulous, and I apply this behavior to my projects: every time I am able to, I like to apply generic solutions, like design patterns, and I put lots of effort to make the final product simple, legible and reusable.